What Is Childrens Speech Therapy? Understanding the Basics

What Is Speech Therapy? 

Speech therapy helps children improve communication skills. In a typical session, the therapist will ask the child to repeat sounds and imitate the therapist. The therapist will also assess and treat speech, language, and communication problems in people of all ages. 

Who Provides Speech Therapy Services? 

So who provides speech therapy services? There are a few different types of professionals who can provide these services, depending on your state: 

  • Speech therapists 
  • Clinical social workers 
  • Licensed professional counsellors 
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists 
  • Licensed Mental Health Counsellors 
  • Psychologists 

What Are the Different Types of Speech Therapy? 

There are many different types of speech therapy, which is why it’s important to consult with a professional if you’re worried about your child’s speech development. 

Some of the most common types of speech therapy include stuttering therapy, apraxia of speech therapy, aphasia therapy, and swallowing difficulty therapy. Each one of these therapies is tailored to address specific problems and help children overcome their communication difficulties. 

In some cases, a speech therapist may also assess and treat cognitive problems that can affect speech. For example, a child with poor memory may have difficulty remembering the sounds of words. A therapist will work with the child to improve their memory and help them overcome any challenges they face when speaking. 

Lastly, speech therapists can also help children improve their fluency, voice quality, and social communication skills. 

Benefits of Speech Therapy for Children 

One of the great things about speech therapy is that it can be tailored to each individual child. The therapist will take into account the child’s age, level of development, and specific needs. 

And while every child is different, there are some general benefits that have been seen in children who have undergone speech therapy. These benefits include: 

  • Improved communication skills 
  • Enhanced social skills 
  • Greater self-confidence 
  • Increased academic achievement 

So if your child is struggling with communication, don’t hesitate to reach out to a speech therapist. They just might be the key to helping your child reach their full potential. 

When Is the Right Time to Seek Professional Help for a Child’s Speech Delay? 

If you’re wondering when to seek professional help for a child’s speech delay, the answer is: as soon as possible. The earlier therapy begins, the better the chances are for successful outcomes. 

In fact, research has shown that children who start speech therapy before they turn five have better results than those who start after age five. So if your child is showing signs of a speech delay, don’t wait—seek professional help right away. 

Of course, not all speech delays require professional intervention. If your child is 12 months old and not yet saying any words, that’s not cause for alarm—most babies start talking sometime between 12 and 18 months old. But if your child is 18 months old and still not talking, that’s a sign that it might be time to seek help from a speech therapist. 

Choosing the Right Speech Therapist for Your Child 

You want to make sure you’re choosing the right speech therapist for your child, and there are a few things you can keep in mind to help you with that. 

You’ll want to find someone who has experience working with children. This is important because kids can be tricky, and you want someone who knows how to keep them engaged. 

Finally, it’s a good idea to find someone who is a good fit for your child personality-wise. You want someone who your child will be comfortable with and who will make the therapy sessions fun. 


So, what is Childrens Speech Therapy? Speech therapy is a type of therapy that helps children learn to communicate. Childrens Speech Therapy helps children with articulation, fluency, voice, and language disorders.