There are so many ways in which our children’s behaviour can challenge us. Examples include defiant behaviour, tantrums and meltdowns, and there can even be complex combinations of a variety of problems throughout the one day. At Spring Forward, we use a variety of research-based techniques to help parents learn to better understand and manage their children’s behaviour in a loving, safe way, that helps to build the relationships between parents and their children. Please let us help restore some peace in your family!

Compulsive Behaviour

While all kids experience times of worry and doubt, some children with compulsive behavioural tendencies just can’t stop worrying, and those worries frequently compel them to behave in certain ways over and over again. Compulsive behaviour is typically a product of anxiety, where a person is often preoccupied with dangerous, harmful or dirty thoughts – when working with kids, we call these ‘sticky’ thoughts, to help them understand the tendency of the thought to stick like glue.

Children may have a difficult time explaining a reason for their compulsions, but in general, anybody with a compulsive disorder is using rituals to relieve anxiety. At Spring Forward, we use child-friendly words and game-like techniques to help children understand the reasons behind their compulsions and to help relieve their underlying anxiety with research-based programs.

Compulsive behaviour is a very treatable condition, and depending on the severity, a combination of medical and therapeutic treatments may be implemented that can help unlock your child from their mental prison.

sad boy
Defiant Behaviour
boy looking through chain link fence

Have you ever heard of the “Terrible Twos”? Or are you at your wits end living with a “Threenager”? At some time or another, it is inevitable that children will try to exercise their decision-making abilities and push their boundaries to see exactly where they fit into a family and social structure. However, some children are unable to simply “grow” out of this behaviour and will become defiant in an ongoing capacity. This behaviour may be symptomatic of underlying medical issues such as depression or anxiety disorders, and the behaviour itself often negatively affects a child’s ability to learn and make friends. With the right strategies and skills set into motion by a good therapist, defiant behaviour can be decreased, improving the overall wellbeing of the sufferer and their family. At Spring Forward, we have family members with ‘ODD’ (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), so we understand what you’re going through and are only too keen to help. Nothing pleases us more than watching a parent implement the techniques we’ve taught them and their child respond appropriately!

Tantrums and Meltdowns

Parents and carers expect temper tantrums from 2- and 3-year-olds, but did you know that there’s a difference between tantrums and meltdowns? As children get older, tantrums become more about being a power struggle, whereas a meltdown is the result of too much information – being pushed by the world around us to the point of snapping. Kids of all ages can experience difficulty handling anger and frustration, but meltdowns are different and can be caused by things such as too much time in a noisy environment.

In summary, some children have more challenges with their behaviour than others, but our team has seen it all before and is ready to help your family. We will teach you the strategies to put in place and will support you every step of the way. Although these skills take time to develop, every child can benefit from our range of interventions.

Sad girl

At Spring Forward, we are very experienced in helping restore harmony to a family that is burdened by behavioural challenges.

Depending on whether our own children are having a meltdown or not, and have remembered to take their ADHD medications, we will respond shortly. 😉