Supporting Children Through Grief: Tips for Finding the Right Counsellor Near You

Why Counselling Is Essential During Times of Grief Even for Your Child

It is important to get your child professional help during times of grief. 

Grief can be a very complex and overwhelming experience for children. They may not know how to express their feelings, or may be afraid to talk about the deceased. This is where grief counselling can be invaluable. 

Counselling provides a safe and supportive environment for children to talk about their feelings. It also helps them process and honour the loss of their loved one. 

Seeking help and support is necessary for grieving and recovering from a loss. Getting your child professional help from a qualified counsellor is one of the best things you can do for them. 

How to Explain the Death of a Loved One to Children 

When explaining the death of a loved one to children, it is important to use simple, easy-to-understand language. You can talk about death using words like “dead” and “died”. It is also important to be honest and explain the ways people die generally. This will help children to understand what has happened and begin the process of grieving. 

Tips for Finding the Right Counsellor for Your Child in Australia 

If your child is grieving and you’re looking for help, here are a few tips for finding the right counsellor near you. 

First, encourage your child to contact Kids Helpline if they need extra support. Kids Helpline is a free and confidential service that offers counselling to children and young people aged 5-25. 

Second, don’t push your child to talk if they don’t feel like it. Grief is a very personal experience, and everyone deals with it in their own way. Let your child take their time and only talk about the death if they feel ready. 

Finally, suggest your child talk to their school counsellor. School counsellors are trained to deal with grief and loss, and they can provide your child with additional support during this difficult time. 

Practical Strategies to Help Children Cope With Grief 

To encourage children to express their feelings, talk to them about what has happened without glossing over the details. Acknowledge their emotions and provide understanding. Encourage children to write or draw what they are thinking or how they feel, or let them find ways of expressing themselves that suits them best. 

Let children make choices around funerals and other rituals related to death. This helps them feel more in control of an otherwise chaotic and confusing situation. Talk to them about their wishes and try to honour them where possible – this could be in simple ways like choosing an outfit for the funeral or writing a poem for the deceased. 

How to Help Children Heal Through Grief and Loss 

It’s important to understand that every child will experience grief in a unique way. Some children may be more outwardly emotional, while others may seemingly show no emotion at all. It’s crucial to acknowledge and validate the child’s feelings, no matter how they express them. It’s okay for kids to express sadness or anger, or even be relieved if their loved one suffered for a long time before passing away. 

It can be helpful for parents to encourage kids to verbalise their feelings about the loss. This allows them to better process these feelings and develop a healthy understanding of what has happened. Talking openly and honestly is important, as it helps kids grapple with their emotions in a safe and supportive environment. 

How to find Child Counselling Services like Spring Forward Family Centre 

With numerous child counselling services available, it is important to choose the right one for your child. The Common Ground Grief Centre in Ontario provides peer support groups for children who have lost a loved one, and Grief counselling helps them find healthy ways to cope with the loss. For parents who are looking for counselling services in other provinces, you can reach out to Focus on the Family, which offers virtual counselling services through a telephone call service. At Spring Forward Family Centre, we understand that this can be a difficult time for families and we provide specialised grief counselling services tailored to meet the unique needs of each family. We offer an individualised approach that focuses on creating meaningful connections with children and fostering positive change in their lives. 


You might be feeling overwhelmed after a loved one dies. You want to do what’s best for your child, but you don’t know where to start. This guide will help you find a counsellor near you who can support your child through their grief. 

The most important thing to remember is that your child is unique, and they will grieve in their own way. Don’t be afraid to ask your counsellor for advice on how to support your child. They will be able to help your child work through their grief, and they will also be a valuable resource for you. 

Thank you for choosing our brand as your guide through this difficult time. We wish you and your child the best of luck as you work through your grief.