More Info

  1. In 5 words or less… Who are you?
    Well, I need more words!
  2. What do you do? (profession) and why??
    Psychologist/Professional Secret Keeper
    listening to others complain comes naturally to me. I thought becoming a neurosurgeon wasn’t challenging enough, at least they can see the brain they treat!
  3. What do you love most about your profession?
    -Turning negatives into positives.
    -Helping people learn to accept & let go of their problems.
    -Helping people who feel vulnerable, feel empowered.
  4. What aspirations do you have for joining the team at SFFC?
    -To help provide a high quality psych service to those & to an area which desperately need it.
    -Help kids get a strong start in life with the right strategies/support.
  5. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
    Teleportation, avoid traffic!
  6. What breed of dog best describes you and why?
    -Pack animal
  7. What colour best describes your personality and why?
    Black – Matches my personal sense of humour.
  8. Favourite quote, comment, or words of wisdom?
    Def of Psychologist: A man who watches everyone else when a beautiful woman enters the room.
    Def of Psychology: The science that tells you what you already know, using words you cannot understand.
  9. If you could be a dinosaur, what would you be?
  10. Favourite TV show or movie made for ‘children’?
    Movie: Moana at the moment
    TV: Sesame Street
  11. Most embarrassing (PG) story…
    In year 6 (1998), my house won the swimming carnival! As house captain, to celebrate the win, I jumped into the pool fully clothed thinking others would join in………. They did not!
  12. Funniest Kid Quote/story..
    Teaching child ‘I Feel’ script.
    Child: I feel like i need to poo.
    Me: … Go for it.
    Child: Thanks. I appreciate that.
    Me: Speechless!!!


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