Cassie is a recent graduate speech pathologist from James Cook University. She enjoy
working with children and their families to allow for them to achieve success.
Working as part of a multidisciplinary team has allowed her to gain further skills and
knowledge in different areas of health.

More Info

  1. In 5 words or less… Who are you?
    Friendly, caring relaxed dog person
  2. What do you do? (profession) and why??
    Speech Pathologist, because I find it extremely rewarding to work with people to improve in areas they may be finding difficult.
  3. What do you love most about your profession?
    I love that I am able to help people communicate and that can have such a positive impact on people’s lives.
  4. What aspirations do you have for joining the team at SFFC?
    I would like to work as part of a large team with knowledge and skills in many areas. I feel this will benefit my clients.
  5. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
    Teleportation – because I’d love to be able to click my finger and arrived any destination without the travel time
  6. What breed of dog best describes you and why?
    Cavalier King Charles – gentle, friendly and prefer to be around people than by myself
  7. What colour best describes your personality and why?
    Blue – relaxed, go with the flow and quiet personality
  8. Favourite quote, comment, or words of wisdom?
    If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you
  9. If you could be a dinosaur, what would you be?
    Pteranodon – because I’d love to be able to fly
  10. Favourite TV show or movie made for ‘children’?
    Shrek – because who doesn’t love a talking donkey
  11. Most embarrassing (PG) story…
    I tend to get quite scared when playing the pop up pirate game, and jump every time the pirate shoots up out of the barrel. I was seeing a child that used to find my reaction more entertaining than the game itself. They would then proceed to tell their parents and all the other people in the waiting room about how scared I was of the pirate. This then caused all my peers to watch my next session through the two-way mirror just to see me get scared and jump each time we played the game.
  12. Funniest Kid Quote/story..
    I was giving a child praise for their good work during an activity. The child then turned to me and said ‘Dah…I’m a genius’. This was said with a lot of attitude and an eye roll


See what Cassie has been up to below!