Postural Correction for School Age Kids Physio

What Is Postural Correction for School Age Kids 

Postural correction for school age kids refers to the array of techniques and exercises that can help children maintain proper body alignment, which can have a direct impact on their physical health. Poor posture can lead to an increased risk of aches and pains caused by misalignment of the body’s joints, curvature of the spine and/or strength imbalances in muscles. 

It is important to understand that there is no single “right” way to correct postural issues in school age kids, as each child will have their own unique needs. That said, some of the most common strategies for promoting good posture include: 

  • Strengthening core and back muscles 
  • Improving flexibility 
  • Practising good ergonomics (e.g., when sitting or standing) 
  • Wearing supportive shoes 
  • Monitoring how often child slouching or leaning over books or screens 
  • Adopting mindfulness techniques such as yoga or meditation 
  • Supporting reintegration of retained reflexes 

These activities may be used in conjunction with other treatments such as massage therapy, chiropractic adjustments, bracing, or physical therapy. Depending on the specific needs of the child, it may even be necessary to introduce lifestyle changes like cutting down on screen time or substituting chairs with exercise balls at home and school. 

Common Postural Conditions in School Age Kids 

Good posture affects more than just a child’s self-image—it’s also an indicator of overall health. Poor posture can lead to a range of physical and musculoskeletal problems, including lower back pain and joint stiffness. An important step in maintaining good posture is understanding the most common postural conditions found in school age kids. 

The most common conditions include: 

  • Kyphosis: Increased rounding of the upper back can lead to neck pain, decreased physical activity and behaviour problems; 
  • Lordosis: Tightness in the front of the neck can cause decreased head movement; 
  • Scoliosis: Abnormal curvatures in the spine can cause difficulty breathing and increased fatigue; 
  • Flatback Syndrome: This is when there is an overall loss of forward curve in the spine, leading to an increased risk of developing lower back pain. 

Recognising these postural issues early on can help parents take steps to correct them and maintain healthy posture for their children. Regular visits to a chiropractor or physical therapist can help with posture correction and identify potential problems before they become more severe. 

Diagnosis Procedures for Postural Correction 

Getting a proper diagnosis is the key to creating an effective postural correction plan for your child. Here are some of the common tests and procedures that may be used to diagnose and treat postural abnormalities in school age kids: 

Posture Analysis 

Posture analysis is considered to be one of the most reliable methods of diagnosis for postural abnormalities in children. It involves taking a series of photographs from different angles, which are then analysed to provide a detailed report on any postural issues that may exist. 

Range of Motion Testing 

Range of motion testing is used to assess joint mobility and flexibility in order to identify any potential areas of discomfort or restriction. This test can also help pinpoint any potential musculoskeletal dysfunctions that could be the cause of postural problems. 

Computerised Posturography (COP) Tests 

COP tests measure the body’s responses when it is exposed to changes in support surface, body position and/or conditions such as lightheadedness or dizziness. These tests help assess balance control, coordination, gait and posture control. 

By utilising these diagnostic procedures, medical professionals can accurately diagnose postural abnormalities in school age kids and design an effective treatment plan based on the results, helping ensure that your child can grow up with proper posture and pain-free movement patterns. 

Potential Treatments for Postural Correction 

When it comes to postural correction for school age kids, there are several potential treatments to consider. The main treatments that have been used to help correct poor posture in children include: 

Exercise and Physical Therapy 

Physical therapy and exercises can help strengthen the body, improve balance, and increase flexibility. This can be helpful for a child who is having difficulty maintaining proper posture due to weak muscles or poor muscle coordination. 


Orthotics are custom-made medical devices designed to correct abnormalities in the body’s structure, such as feet that roll inward or outward. Orthotics can also help to reduce back pain by providing extra arch support where needed, which can improve posture. 

Proper Postural Education 

It’s important for children to learn how to sit properly and maintain good posture at their desks, on the bus ride home, and anywhere else they may be spending time during the day. Postural education offers an opportunity for children to understand why good posture is important and how they can incorporate better postural habits into their daily lives. 

Long Term Care Tips for Successful Posture Maintenance 

Proper posture is a habit we ought to learn and continue to practise in our day-to-day lives, and kids should be taught the importance of proper posture as they grow. While short-term solutions like exercises and stretches help to improve posture, it is important to also look at long-term benefits for successful maintenance. 

Here are some tips that can help your school age child maintain proper posture over the long haul: 

  1. Utilising Proper Ergonomic Equipment: Furniture like chairs, desks and tables should fit the natural curve of the spine and be the appropriate height for the age group. When engaging with digital screens or gaming devices, look into accessories like adjustable desks, chairs or stands that help keep your child’s neck and back in an upright position. 
  2. Encouraging Good Posture During Activities: Letting your child know when their spinal alignment is off can help them maintain good posture during activities such as sports or playtime. Reminding them about their alignment throughout the activity will eventually become second nature for them. 
  3. Monitoring Growth Spurts: As children get older, they experience major growth spurts that may have an effect on their postural development – make sure to monitor these growth spurts in order to adjust chairs and desks accordingly. 
  4. Regular Exercise: Stretching exercises are great for postural development in children; incorporating routine physical activity into their day will further help strengthen muscle groups vital to postural control as well as promote a healthier lifestyle overall. 

Physiotherapists Near You – Where to Seek Professional Help 

Parents of school-age kids have many questions when it comes to posture correction, and in some cases, seeking professional help can be a wise decision. If you need help with understanding the basics of postural correction, look no further than the physiotherapists near you. 

These highly qualified professionals can assess your child’s posture and provide vital advice on how to improve it. Here are some of the ways they can help: 

  • Provide an overall assessment of your child’ posture, looking for warning signs that may indicate a more serious issue 
  • Discuss treatment options and create a tailored plan to improve posture and prevent long-term issues from developing 
  • Advise on exercises parents can do with their children at home to help with postural correction 
  • Provide guidance on ergonomic furniture that suit your child’s needs 
  • Give advice on how kids can incorporate physical activity into their daily lives to build stronger muscles 

Physiotherapists collaborate with other professionals as well, such as osteopaths, chiropractors and massage therapists, giving them access to an array of expertise and experience. With their help, you will gain the confidence to keep your children’s postures in check. 

How Spring Forward Family Centre Provides Postural Correction for School Age Kids 

At Spring Forward Family Centre, we focus on teaching school-age kids the most effective postural correction techniques. We understand that when kids are actively engaged in their treatment and the steps they can take to correct their posture, they have a greater chance at achieving physical alignment. 

Our team of professionals use evidence-based tools and equipment to help kids achieve proper postural alignment. We focus on educating parents and guardians on the importance of functional movement, providing them with resources and development plans specific to their child’s needs. 

The treatment begins with a detailed assessment of your child’s current posture and physical symptoms, followed by an individualised treatment plan that meets their needs. The plan includes: 

  1. Exercises and stretching to improve strength, flexibility, nerve mobility and joint health 
  2. Core stability strengthening exercises for improved postural control 
  3.  Strategies for relaxation and tension relief 
  4. Balance training for better coordination and body awareness 
  5. Rhythmic movements to assist reintegration of retained reflexes 
  6. Education on ergonomics when using devices such as laptops, iPads or computers 
  7. Yoga-inspired breathing exercises to reduce stress levels 
  8. Posture check-ins as part of continued progress monitoring 
  9. At Spring Forward Family Centre, we strive to empower parents in order to properly monitor their child’s posture both in the clinic environment as well as at home, enabling kids of all ages to achieve a healthier lifestyle through better posture! 


Postural correction for school age kids is key for setting the foundations for a successful life. The body’s ability to cope with daily activities is dependent on the way we move and how well the muscles support our joints and bones. With the help of paediatric physiotherapists and a tailored postural correction plan, school age kids can feel more confident in their body, develop better physical strength and coordination and have improved posture in their daily lives. This will open up a world of unhindered possibilities and help them reach their full potential, both in and out of school.