How to Help Children Cope With Trauma: A Child Counsellor’s Guide

What Is Trauma In Child Counselling Practise? 

Trauma is a deeply distressing experience that can have a lasting impact on a person’s life. 

TF-CBT is a type of child therapy that has been found to be effective in helping children heal from trauma. This therapy involves discussing the trauma with a therapist, and then practising helpful coping skills. 

Healing from trauma can take time, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Some children may need to see a therapist for many years in order to heal fully. 

Childhood trauma can cause changes in behaviour, which can be difficult for parents to deal with. It is important to remember that these changes are a result of the trauma, and not because the child is “bad” or “disobedient.” 

Identifying Trauma in Children 

It’s not always easy to identify when a child has experienced trauma. 

Trauma can cause strong emotions and physical reactions that persist long-term. Trauma signs and symptoms can include eating/sleep disturbances, clinginess, feeling helpless/passive/irritable. 

If you suspect that your child has experienced trauma, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional. A child counsellor can provide support and guidance, and help your child to recover from the trauma. 

Strategies for Healing Trauma in Children in Australia 

Here are some general tips to help facilitate your child’s healing from trauma. 

  1. Make sure your child is eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep. 
  2. Help your child to express their feelings, even if they are difficult to express. 
  3. Make sure you are taking care of your own mental wellbeing; this will have a positive effect on your child’s trauma recovery. 

Creating a Supportive Environment for Children to Heal From Trauma 

As a parent, it is important to be patient and understanding when it comes to healing from trauma as there is no one-size-fits-all timeline. Encourage healthy self-esteem in your child, as this will help to increase resilience and aid in the healing process. Make sure to create an environment that feels safe, secure and predictable for them so that they can focus on the professionals that are helping them cope with their trauma. Create a sense of calmness and support in your home through open dialogue, plenty of affection and patience. Establishing a sense of security is one of the most important components for any kid healing from trauma and having supportive adults there to provide guidance will go a long way. 

Common Misconceptions About Counselling for Traumatised Children 

Whether your child is in therapy or not, it is important to remember that PTSD can affect anyone, not just soldiers. It is also important to know that talking about their trauma may not always be the best course of action. It is usually a good idea to talk to a professional before trying it on your own as they can help you decide what will work best for your child. 

It’s also important to remember that trauma survivors are not “permanently broken” and there are many ways to help them heal. With the right kind of support, therapy can be an effective way for children to process and cope with the traumatic events they have experienced. 

When to Seek Professional Help for Your Child from organisations like Spring Forward Family Centre 

When your child’s struggles become frequent and intense, it may be time to seek professional help. At Spring Forward Family Centre, we provide a safe space for children to explore their feelings and work through their trauma in a supportive environment. 

Our child counsellors are professionally trained and adhere to the guidelines of best practise for working with children who have experienced trauma. We understand that everyone copes differently, so we tailor our approach to each individual. 

This includes psychoeducation, conversation-based therapies, body awareness exercises, role-play, art therapy and more – all aimed at helping your child heal from their trauma and empowering them to move forward in their life. 


As a child counsellor, one of the most important things I can do is help children to understand their experiences and to learn to cope with their feelings. This guide provides some basic information on how to help children heal from trauma. It is not an exhaustive guide, but it provides a good starting point. I hope that parents will find this guide useful and that it will help them to support their children in their journey to healing.