How Paediatric Occupational Therapy Can Improve Children’s Gross Motor Development in Sydney

What Is Paediatric Occupational Therapy in Australia 

Paediatric Occupational Therapy (OT) is a profession that focuses on the development, learning and growth of children. OT helps children to participate in the activities of everyday life, at home, at school and in the community. 

Occupational therapists work with children who have difficulties with different skills such as fine motor skills, gross motor skills, sensory processing, feeding and swallowing, handwriting and self-care skills. 

In Australia, paediatric OT is funded by Medicare for children with a diagnosed physical disability or developmental delay. 

Gross Motor Skill Development and Its Importance 

Gross motor skill development is important for a child’s overall wellbeing. These skills involve the movement of large muscles, such as those in the legs and arms. When a child masters these skills, they find it easier to participate in everyday activities such as walking and running, as well as more strenuous activities like playground games and sports. 

Gross motor skills also contribute to a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem. A child who feels strong and capable in their body is more likely to be confident in their abilities, socially and otherwise. 

If you’re concerned that your child is having difficulty with gross motor skill development, don’t hesitate to seek help from an occupational therapist. OTs are experts in helping children reach their fullest potential and can work with your child to develop the gross motor skills they need to succeed. 

Benefits of Paediatric Occupational Therapy for Gross Motor Skills 

Occupational Therapy for children can help improve their gross motor skills. This is vital for the movement and coordination of the large muscles of the body, and is necessary for activities such as self-care, school and play. 

At Spring Forward OT, we work with children to help them achieve their daily occupations. We involve the child’s whole body in our sessions, so they can experience all the benefits that occupational therapy has to offer. This can help improve their confidence, self-esteem, social skills and general wellbeing. 

Different Approaches to Occupational Therapy for Gross Motor Skills 

When it comes to improving gross motor development in children, OTs use a range of strategies. Some approaches involve gross motor activity training, which is a treatment aimed at improving perception & balance through activities which involve the large muscles of the body. 

OTs may also use the Sensory Integration approach and assess the ability of a child’s body to process and interpret sensory input (visual, tactile etc) and provide interventions that can assist with perception and coordination. They can also use exercises to strengthen muscles, and activities such as climbing, hopping and even fun games to help increase physical skills like coordination, balance and strength. 

Finally, attention should be given to the environment as well. For instance environmental changes in the classroom or home can help create opportunities for children to practise their skills – there are many handicapable accessories available which can support that process. 

What to Expect During a Session at Spring Forward Family Centre 

At Spring Forward Family Centre, paediatric occupational therapists focus on helping children develop gross motor skills through play. During a session, your child might practise activities such as running, jumping, stairs climbing, crawling or balance. 

Your child’s therapist might also introduce gross motor toys to the therapy session. Gross motor toys such as tricycles and scooters provide an opportunity for children to practise their skills in a fun and exciting way. Furthermore, these toys help encourage active engagement in meaningful activities that are developmentally appropriate. 

Parents can also learn exercise that they can do with their children at home and even at school to further improve gross motor development. Occupational therapists will guide you through each exercise and make sure your child’s gross motor skills are being developed in the best possible way. 

How to Get the Most Out of Your Child’s Paediatric Occupational Therapy Sessions 

The best way to get the most out of your child’s paediatric occupational therapy sessions is to focus on exercises that will help build strength in order to increase gross motor activities. Examples of these activities include exercises that can help increase core strength and those that can build muscle tone and increase balance. 

These kinds of activities should be introduced at home as well, so that your child is able to gain a better understanding of the importance of physical activity in terms of improving their gross motor development. 

It’s also important to remember that it’s a good idea to incorporate fun activities into your child’s therapy sessions, as this will keep them engaged and motivated while at the same time helping them build strength. For example, you could introduce relay races or outdoor games such as tag or hide and seek – whatever you think fits best for your child! 


There is a wide range of occupational therapy services that Spring Forward offer, all of which are aimed at helping children reach their fullest potential. If you’re curious to learn more, or want to book in your child for an assessment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’d be more than happy to help!