Advice & Tips - Spring Forward Family Centre Paediatric Allied Health Services | Children's Art Therapy | Child Counselling | Paediatric Physiotherapy Sun, 19 Feb 2023 04:08:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Advice & Tips - Spring Forward Family Centre 32 32 Keeping Kids Healthy With Regular Physiotherapy Sessions Sun, 19 Feb 2023 04:08:43 +0000 What Is Paediatric Physiotherapy?  Physiotherapy helps kids recover from injuries and illnesses and also teaches them how to prevent injuries in the future.  It involves a range of treatments that help improve movement, reduce pain and improve function. Physiotherapy can be used to treat conditions like cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder and many...

The post Keeping Kids Healthy With Regular Physiotherapy Sessions first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

What Is Paediatric Physiotherapy? 

Physiotherapy helps kids recover from injuries and illnesses and also teaches them how to prevent injuries in the future. 

It involves a range of treatments that help improve movement, reduce pain and improve function. Physiotherapy can be used to treat conditions like cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder and many more. 

Your child will likely need to attend regular physiotherapy sessions to make the most impact. 

Benefits of Physiotherapy for Kids 

Physiotherapy is not just for adults. In fact, it can be especially beneficial for kids, who often suffer from pain and movement restrictions. A physiotherapist can help reduce pain and improve movement and strength. They can also help with motor skill development and common childhood injuries. 

Most importantly, physiotherapy can have a positive impact on a child’s overall fitness and movement ability. This will help them stay healthy as they grow and maintain age-appropriate skills. 

When to Seek a Paediatric Physiotherapist 

If your baby doesn’t tolerate tummy time by 3 months old, or isn’t standing by 12 months old, it’s time to seek help from a paediatric physiotherapist. They can help reduce your child’s pain, swelling, and regain strength and flexibility. 

Physiotherapy is also beneficial for kids with spinal cord injuries. They can use physiotherapy to strengthen their muscles and increase their balance and mobility. 

Tips for Finding a Reputable Paediatric Physiotherapist in Australia 

If you’re looking for a reputable paediatric physiotherapist in Australia, here are a few tips to keep in mind: 

  • Make sure the physiotherapist has completed a specialised paediatric curriculum. This ensures that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to treat children. 
  • Check that the physiotherapist is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA). This means they are bound by the APA’s code of ethics and are required to maintain their professional development. 
  • Ask about the physiotherapist’s experience in treating children. A good physiotherapist will have plenty of experience in treating kids of all ages, from newborns to teenagers. 

Finding a good paediatric physiotherapist is important, as they can help your child master gross motor and functional mobility skills. They will also understand that children have unique needs, and will tailor their treatments accordingly. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Kids and How to Perform Them Correctly 

Now that you know some of the benefits of physiotherapy for kids, you might be wondering what types of exercises they should be doing. 

Generally speaking, the exercises will be focused on improving core strength, gross motor skills, and increasing balance and coordination. 

And while every child is different, there are some general tips you can follow when it comes to performing the exercises: 

  • Make sure they warm up before starting the exercises by doing some light stretching or walking in place. 
  • The actual exercises can be done either sitting or standing. 
  • Make sure they maintain good form throughout the exercises and avoid any type of cheating. 
  • When they’re finished with the exercises, make sure they cool down properly by doing some light stretching or walking in place. 

It’s also important to keep in mind that physio exercises for kids should be fun and engaging, otherwise they’re not going to want to do them. So try to come up with creative ways to make the exercises more enjoyable for them. 

FAQs About Paediatric Physiotherapy 

You might be wondering about a few things before you get started with paediatric physiotherapy. Let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions: 

Q: How long will my child need to see a physiotherapist? 

A: This really depends on your child’s individual case. Some children only need to see a physiotherapist for a few sessions, while others may need to continue seeing one on a regular basis. It really varies depending on the child’s needs. 

Q:  What can I expect from my child’s physiotherapy sessions? 

A: Your child can expect to improve their strength, flexibility, movement and range of motion through different exercises and stretches. They will also learn more typical patterns of movements and improve their gross motor skills. 

Q: How often should my child see a physiotherapist? 

A: Again, this depends on your child’s individual case. Some children may only need to see a physiotherapist once a week, while others may need to see one multiple times per week. It all just depends on what is best for your child. 


It’s important to keep kids healthy and on track with their physiotherapy sessions. If they miss sessions, it can set their progress back and make it harder for them to reach their goals. Make sure your kids keep up their regular physiotherapy appointments to ensure they stay healthy and on track. 

The post Keeping Kids Healthy With Regular Physiotherapy Sessions first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

Enhancing Emotional Development With the Circle of Security Parenting Programme Fri, 17 Feb 2023 05:18:23 +0000 What Is the Circle of Security Parenting Programme?  The Circle of Security programme is an evidenced-based intervention that was originally developed in the United States in the early 2000s. It’s a secure attachment parenting programme that helps parents to enhance their emotional development and better care for their children.  The programme is based on the...

The post Enhancing Emotional Development With the Circle of Security Parenting Programme first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

What Is the Circle of Security Parenting Programme? 

The Circle of Security programme is an evidenced-based intervention that was originally developed in the United States in the early 2000s. It’s a secure attachment parenting programme that helps parents to enhance their emotional development and better care for their children. 

The programme is based on the four attachment styles that have been identified in infants: dismissive, preoccupied, unresolved and fearful. It provides parents with strategies to help them build a positive relationship with their children, based on trust and emotional availability. 

Components of the Circle of Security Programme 

The Circle of Security parenting programme is based on evidence-based practise, and has four core components: 

The first is the central visual of the Circle of Security, which is used in interventions. The diagram is designed to help caregivers understand the four key relationships that are important to a child’s emotional development: the caregiver-child relationship, the relationship with other family members, the relationship with peers and the relationship with God or a higher power. 

The second component is training with a COSP facilitator. The COSP facilitators are people who share the video programme with caregivers and provide support and guidance as they work through it. 

The third component is the online learning hub. This is a place where caregivers can find information about the programme, access resources, and connect with other caregivers who are using the programme. 

The fourth and final component is research. The Circle of Security parenting programme is backed by research that shows its positive impact on children’s emotional development. 

Evidence-Based Strategies of the Circle of Security Programme 

The Circle of Security parenting programme is one that has been designed with broad implementation in mind. It’s evidence-based, and has been listed as a Promising Practise by various evidence-based review listings. The programme is meant to enhance attachment security between parents and children. 

There are four evidence-based strategies that the programme employs: 

  1. Predicting Needs – Parents learn to pay attention to their child’s signals, and to anticipate their needs.
  2. Engaging in Emotional Dialogue – Parents learn to talk with their child about their emotional experiences.
  3. Responding to Needs Adaptively – Parents learn to soothe and reassure their child in a timely manner.
  4. Establishing Structure and Consistency – Parents create a predictable environment for their child, which helps them feel secure.

How Does the Circle of Security Parenting Programme Work? 

The aim of the Circle of Security Parenting Programme is to help parents understand their child’s emotional needs and how best to respond to them. The programme is based on attachment theory, which posits that a secure attachment between parent and child is key to healthy emotional development. 

The programme consists of eight weekly group sessions, each lasting two and a half hours. The groups are led by trained facilitators and are limited to 12 participants. During the sessions, parents view videos of children aged 0-4 years and discuss their own experiences of parenting. The videos and discussions help parents to understand their child’s behaviour and how best to respond to it. 

The programme has been shown to be effective in enhancing attachment security between parents and children. It is listed as a Promising Practise by various evidence-based review listings, including the US National Registry of Evidence-based Programmes and Practises (NREPP) and the Blueprints for Violence Prevention. 

Benefits for Parents and Children 

The benefits of the COS parenting programme are not just limited to children. In fact, the majority of parents who have taken the course report feeling more confident and competent in their parenting skills. They also report feeling more connected to their child and more enjoyment in parenting in general. 

In addition, parents who have taken the COS parenting course report lower levels of stress and anxiety, both in their parenting and in other areas of their life. And, perhaps most importantly, they report feeling more satisfied with their parenting overall. 

How to Find a Circle of Security Parenting Course Online 

The Circle of Security Parenting programme is based on research on secure parent-child relationships. It is designed to enhance attachment security between parents and children. The programme is suitable for parents, foster/adoptive parents, early learning/childcare professionals. 

The programme is divided into 8 chapters facilitated by a trained professional. The topics of each chapter are as follows: 

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to the Circle of Security Parenting Programme 
  • Chapter 2: The Foundations of Secure Parent-Child Relationships: Parents’ Sensitivity and Children’s Trust 
  • Chapter 3: What Happens When I Get Angry with My Child? Managing My Own Emotions 
  • Chapter 4: Helping My Child Manage Big Feelings 
  • Chapter 5: When Setbacks Happen: Promoting My Child’s Resilience 
  • Chapter 6: Playing and Learning Together: Building a Strong Relationship 
  • Chapter 7: Putting It All Together—Enhancing Our Relationship day by day, Week by Week 
  • Chapter 8: Conclusion—What Have We Learned? 


If you’re looking for ways to enhance your emotional development as a parent, the Circle of Security parenting programme may be a good option for you. The programme is based on evidence-based strategies, and it can help you build a stronger relationship with your child. 

The post Enhancing Emotional Development With the Circle of Security Parenting Programme first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

Spark Joy: How Art Therapy Can Shape Better Outlooks for Kids Wed, 15 Feb 2023 06:00:45 +0000 Introducing Art Therapy for Children  Many children are not introduced to art therapy until they reach their teenage years. However, the benefits of art therapy can be maximized if it is introduced during early childhood years.  When children are allowed to express themselves through art, it helps them to understand their emotions and feelings better....

The post Spark Joy: How Art Therapy Can Shape Better Outlooks for Kids first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

Introducing Art Therapy for Children 

Many children are not introduced to art therapy until they reach their teenage years. However, the benefits of art therapy can be maximized if it is introduced during early childhood years. 

When children are allowed to express themselves through art, it helps them to understand their emotions and feelings better. This, in turn, can help them to have a more positive outlook on life. In addition, art therapy can help children to develop their cognitive skills, as well as their social and emotional skills. 

Building Strong Foundations with Art Therapy 

As a parent, you want what’s best for your child. You want them to grow up happy and healthy, with a strong sense of self and purpose. But sometimes, life can be tough, and kids need a little extra help to get through tough times. 

That’s where art therapy comes in. Art therapy is a type of therapy that uses art to help kids communicate their emotions and thoughts. It can be helpful for kids who are struggling with things like anxiety, depression, anger or trauma. 

The great thing about art therapy is that it’s non-judgmental. Kids can express themselves in any way they want, without feeling like they’re being wrong or bad. They can use color, shape, line and texture to communicate what’s going on inside their heads, and that can be incredibly freeing for them. 

Ultimately, art therapy can help kids build strong foundations that will help them through life’s challenges. 

The Role of Imagination and Emotion in Early Development 

As a therapist, you know the role of imagination and emotion in early childhood development. When children can explore their emotions and experiences through art, they can maximize the full potential of their early childhood development. 

When children are encouraged to use their imagination, they can explore new ideas and perspectives that they may not have otherwise considered. This can help them build a foundation for critical thinking and problem solving as they grow older. 

At the same time, when children can express their emotions through art, it can help them feel safer and more secure. This can be especially helpful for kids who may not be comfortable discussing their feelings verbally. Art therapy can help them work through difficult emotions in a safe and supportive environment. 

How Children’s Art Therapy Can Help Kids with Trauma 

Children’s art therapy can help kids with trauma in several ways. Art therapy can help kids process trauma, work through difficult emotions, and develop coping skills. 

Art therapy provides a safe space for kids to express themselves. They can express themselves in whatever way they feel comfortable, whether that’s through painting, drawing, sculpting, or any other type of art. 

Art therapy can also help kids to develop a more positive outlook on life. Creating art can help kids to see the beauty in the world, even when things are tough. 

If you’re interested in exploring art therapy for your child, be sure to find a licensed art therapist who has experience working with children. 

Understanding the Power of Creativity in Art Therapy 

Art therapy harnesses the power of creativity to help children process difficult emotions and experiences. When children are experiencing trauma or anxiety, they often struggle to find the words to express their feelings. Art offers a unique way for them to express themselves and makes the therapeutic process more accessible. 

Through art, children can explore their feelings in a safe and judgement-free environment. They can express themselves in ways that they might not be able to with words alone. And, crucially, they can learn how to cope with and understand their emotions. 

Art therapy can also help boost self-esteem and confidence, as well as promoting social and emotional skills. It’s a powerful tool that can shape better outlooks for kids, and one that we’re passionate about at Spring Forward Family Centre. 

Finding a therapist: Art Therapy Near Me 

If you’re interested in finding an art therapist, there are a few things you can do. The first is to check out the Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA) website. They have a “Find a therapist” tool that allows you to search by location, type of therapy, and other factors. 

Another option is to contact your local mental health agency or community mental health center. Many of these organizations have art therapists on staff or can refer you to someone in the area. 

You can also ask your child’s school counsellor or teacher if they know of any art therapists in the area. And finally, if you have health insurance, you can contact your insurance company and ask for a list of providers who offer art therapy. 


So, what is art therapy? It is a form of psychotherapy that uses art media as its primary mode of expression. Art therapists believe that the creative process involved in making art is healing and can help people to better understand themselves and their relationships. Children’s art therapy can be an incredibly powerful tool in the early childhood development toolbox. It can help children to maximize their full potential and shape better outlooks for their future. If you are looking for a way to help your child heal and grow, consider art therapy. 

The post Spark Joy: How Art Therapy Can Shape Better Outlooks for Kids first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

Ideas and Activities in Art Therapy for Kids Tue, 14 Feb 2023 12:00:40 +0000 What Is Art Therapy, and How Can It Help Children?  Art therapy is a form of therapy that uses creativity to help people express themselves and deal with difficult emotions. It can be helpful for children because it gives them a way to communicate that they might not be able to do in words.  There...

The post Ideas and Activities in Art Therapy for Kids first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

What Is Art Therapy, and How Can It Help Children? 

Art therapy is a form of therapy that uses creativity to help people express themselves and deal with difficult emotions. It can be helpful for children because it gives them a way to communicate that they might not be able to do in words. 

There are many different art therapy activities that you can do with your child. One popular activity is to have them create a self-portrait. This can help them learn more about themselves and their feelings. Other activities that can be helpful include coloring, drawing, and sculpting. 

Preparing to Do Art Therapy with Children 

Before starting any art therapy session with kids, it’s important to prepare both yourself and the space. Here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  1. Make sure the room is set up for creativity. Clear off any unnecessary furniture, and make sure there’s plenty of space for kids to move around.
  2. Gather all the materials they’ll need. This could include paints, brushes, markers, paper, clay, and any other supplies you might be using.
  3. Make sure you’re in a good frame of mind. It’s important to be relaxed and patient when working with kids. If you’re feeling stressed out or irritated, it’s best to take a break before continuing.

Reasons Why It’s Beneficial to Use Art Therapy 

There are many reasons why it’s beneficial for kids to use art therapy. Some of the reasons are that it can help: 

  • Develop self-esteem and confidence
  • Express feelings and emotions that they might not be able to express in words
  • Improve communication skills
  • Increase focus and concentration
  • Reduce stress and anxiety

Different Activities That Can Be Done in Art Therapy 

There are different activities that can be done in art therapy, but one of the most important things is to allow the child to express themselves without judgement. 

One popular activity is called ‘mandala drawing’, which is where the child draws a circular design. This can be helpful in promoting focus and concentration. 

Another activity that can be done is ‘painting with words’. In this activity, the child paints a picture and then writes a story about it. This can be helpful in promoting creative thinking and self-expression. 

yet another activity that can be done is ‘sculpture with clay’. This is where the child makes a sculpture out of clay. This can be helpful in promoting motor skills and creativity. 

Benefits of Visual Expression in Art Therapy 

There are countless benefits to letting your kids express themselves visually. Art therapy can help your kids to: 

  • Develop fine motor skills
  • Boost self-esteem and confidence
  • Enhance problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Encourage creative expression
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Promote emotional well-being

How to Find a NDIS Accredited Art Therapy Course 

If you want to find a NDIS accredited art therapy course, you can search for one online or ask your local art therapist for a recommendation. Once you’ve found a few courses that you’re interested in, make sure to read the reviews and compare the price and duration of the course. 

When you’re ready to choose a course, keep in mind that there are two types of art therapy courses: those that focus on theory and those that focus on practical application. If you’re not sure which type of course is right for you, it might be helpful to speak with a qualified art therapist who can help you decide. 


So, these are some ideas to get you started with art therapy. Remember, you can use any activity with any child, if you are both enjoying yourselves. If you need more ideas, or if you have any questions, be sure to talk to your therapist or reach out to us for more information. 

The post Ideas and Activities in Art Therapy for Kids first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

How Accurate Is the Bayley Assessment in Australia Mon, 13 Feb 2023 02:51:09 +0000 Overview of the Bayley Assessment  The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Developmental is a measure of cognitive, motor, and language development in infants and toddlers. The test is widely used in Australia and has been found to be a valid measure of development. A recent study conducted by Griffith University found that the Bayley-III...

The post How Accurate Is the Bayley Assessment in Australia first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

Overview of the Bayley Assessment 

The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Developmental is a measure of cognitive, motor, and language development in infants and toddlers. The test is widely used in Australia and has been found to be a valid measure of development. A recent study conducted by Griffith University found that the Bayley-III provides confidence levels based on the Standard Error of Estimate (SEE). This allows clinicians to make more accurate decisions about whether or not a child is proficient in a cognitive subtest. 

What Can the Bayley Assessment Evaluate? 

The Bayley Assessment is able to evaluate a child’s cognitive and receptive communication skills. It is broken down into two standard scores- one for cognitive and one for receptive communication. These scores are converted into percentages, with 83.84%/92.11% being accurate for the cognitive/receptive communication skills. 

The Bayley Scales have been found to be valid for evaluating 1-42 month olds in Tehran. This means that the test is able to accurately measure a child’s development in comparison to their peers. The standard score enables the examiner to estimate the child’s development more accurately and therefore make better decisions for their future. 

Are the Bayley Assessment Results Accurate? 

The Bayley assessment is a widely-used cognitive test that is designed to measure a child’s developmental progress. It is used in a number of different countries, and has been found to be both internally consistent and reliable. 

The test is made up of a number of different items, all of which have been found to be reliable. The internal consistency of the test is high, with a coefficient of 0.82-0.88. The test-retest reliability is also high, with a coefficient of 0.80-0.83. This means that the results of the Bayley assessment are likely to be accurate, regardless of when it is taken or who takes it. 

Difference Between the Bayley and Previous Versions of the Assessment 

The latest version of the assessment, Bayley-III, was published in 2006. The most significant difference between Bayley-III and the previous versions of the assessment is that it provides norms-referenced scores. This means that the test can be used to predict long-term outcomes. 

Bayley-4 is the most comprehensive assessment tool for determining developmental delays. It is a cognitive-developmental instrument that can be used with children from birth to 7 years old. The test takes about an hour to administer and provides a score for each of the five domains of development: 

  • Cognition 
  • Language 
  • Fine motor 
  • Gross motor 
  • Social emotional 

What to Consider When Using the Bayley Test in Australia 

When using the Bayley test in Australia, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, the test is not perfect. It is important to understand that the test is not an exact science, and that there is always some margin for error. 

Another thing to consider is that the test may not be entirely accurate for all children. For example, healthy Australian 3-year-olds have been found to have higher mean scores on the Bayley Scales than their counterparts in other countries. Additionally, the Bayley-III Motor Scale at 2 years has been found to correlate with motor development at 4 years, but later rates of motor development are underestimated by the Bayley-III. 

Finally, it is important to remember that the Bayley test is just one tool that can be used to assess a child’s development. It should not be used as the sole source of information about a child’s abilities, and other factors should always be considered as well. 

Resources for Further Information on Administering and Interpreting the Bayley Assessment 

So you want to know more about the Bayley Assessment? Here are some resources to get you started: 

  • The Bayley Scales of Infant & Toddler Developmental Screening Test: This website provides an overview of the assessment, as well as information on reliability and validity. 
  • The Bayley-III: This website provides an overview of the assessment, as well as information on how to administer and interpret the results. 
  • BSID scores: This website provides information on the norms used for scoring the Bayley Assessment. 


The Bayley Cognitive Assessment is a widely used measure of cognitive ability in children from birth to 3 years of age. It is designed to assess a child’s cognitive development and to identify any delays. The test is generally reliable and valid, and has been found to be sensitive to change. However, the Bayley may not be appropriate for use in some cultural groups. 

The Bayley cognitive assessment is a reliable and valid measure of cognitive ability in young children. It is sensitive to change, and can be used to identify delays in cognitive development. However, the Bayley cognitive assessment may not be appropriate for use in some cultural groups. 

The post How Accurate Is the Bayley Assessment in Australia first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

The Difficulties of Child Counselling: How Professional Counsellors Overcome Them Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:00:26 +0000 Why Children Benefit From Counselling  Children can definitely benefit from counselling. In fact, counselling can help children become aware of their thoughts and feelings. It can also help them manage emotional distress and anxiety. What’s more, counselling provides children with skills and methods to manage emotions and navigate stressful situations. As a result, their mental...

The post The Difficulties of Child Counselling: How Professional Counsellors Overcome Them first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

Why Children Benefit From Counselling 

Children can definitely benefit from counselling. In fact, counselling can help children become aware of their thoughts and feelings. It can also help them manage emotional distress and anxiety. What’s more, counselling provides children with skills and methods to manage emotions and navigate stressful situations. As a result, their mental health is improved and they become more resilience. 

How Differences in Age and Development Levels Can Influence the Success of Counselling 

One of the difficulties in child counselling is that the children are in different stages of development, and this can influence the success of counselling. 

You need to be aware of these different stages, and how they can affect your interactions with the child. Young children, for example, may not be able to express their feelings in words, and may instead use drawings or play to communicate. 

Older children, on the other hand, are more likely to be able to express themselves verbally. However, they may be reluctant to share personal information with a stranger. As a children’s counsellor, it’s essential that you take the time to set the stage for counselling – and this includes establishing trust and rapport with the child. 

The Challenges and Patterns Seen in Counselling Children 

When counselling children, one of the biggest challenges is that they relate therapeutically in a very different way than adults do. They can be brutally honest, and they often communicate through their emotions and actions more than their words. 

This means that counsellors need to be able to understand their perspective, and to see the world through their eyes. It can also be difficult for them to understand and cope with problems. This is where cognitive and expressive therapy comes in, which is useful for emotional children. 

Counselling Techniques for Children That Are Effective 

There are a number of different counselling techniques that are effective for children. One of the most common is positive visualisation, which helps children focus on an optimistic future. This technique can be used to help children cope with change, improve their mental health, and improve their behaviour. 

Another common technique is to teach children how to cope with change. This can be done by helping them to understand the changes that are happening in their lives, and by teaching them how to cope with these changes. This can help to improve their mental health and their behaviour. 

Finally, child counsellors often use therapy sessions to boost self-esteem. This can be done by helping parents to understand their children’s needs, and by teaching them how to provide positive reinforcement for their children; 

Unpack trauma, provide a space where they can express themselves in a way where they can unload what is happening for them. 

Keys to Improving the Therapeutic Relationship With a Child Counsellor 

You might be wondering what the key is to improving the therapeutic relationship with a child counsellor. Here are three things that can help: 

  • Building trust and rapport: This is essential for successful child counselling. The therapist needs to build trust and rapport with the child in order to help them feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and emotions. 
  • Parent-focused approaches: These approaches involve the therapist and parent discussing the child’s behaviour and feelings. This can help the parent to understand the child better and cultivate a more positive relationship. 
  • – Mutual trust, respect and caring: The therapist should cultivate mutual trust, respect and caring in the therapeutic relationship. This will help the child to feel more comfortable and open up about their experiences. 

How Counsellors Help Children Build Resilience and Cope With Life 

You can build resilience in your child by teaching them how to problem-solve. When your child comes to you with a problem, help them think of different ways to solve it. This will help them feel more confident and capable when they face challenges. 

Counsellors can also help children build resilience by teaching them coping skills. Coping skills are ways to deal with stress and difficult emotions. Some coping skills include deep breathing, journaling, and positive self-talk. 

Modelling positive coping skills for your child, they will be more likely to use them when they are feeling overwhelmed. When children have the tools to cope with stress, they are more likely to bounce back from difficult situations. 


Child counselling is not an easy process, but with the help of professional counsellors, it can be a lot more manageable for the child. Counsellors use a variety of strategies to help encourage resilience in the child and foster their growth and recovery. This allows the child to improve their quality of life and have a better outlook on life. 

The post The Difficulties of Child Counselling: How Professional Counsellors Overcome Them first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

10 Best Practises Every Early Years Care Organisation Should Be Doing Tue, 24 Jan 2023 12:17:07 +0000 When it comes to early years care, there’s a lot of ground to cover. It’s important to make sure your organisation is doing everything it can to provide the best possible care for children.  Below are 10 best practises we recommend every early years care organisation should be following. Take a look and see how...

The post 10 Best Practises Every Early Years Care Organisation Should Be Doing first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

When it comes to early years care, there’s a lot of ground to cover. It’s important to make sure your organisation is doing everything it can to provide the best possible care for children. 

Below are 10 best practises we recommend every early years care organisation should be following. Take a look and see how your care organisation measures up! 

Develop an Inclusive, Welcoming and Supportive Environment 

Making your early childhood organisation inclusive, welcoming and supportive is a commitment that should be at the heart of everything you do. It starts with your attitude and the way you approach new families. 

Promote an inclusive practise that encourages all children to be, belong and become. This means celebrating diversity and difference, and creating a space where everyone feels welcome and respected. Staff should be aware of their own attitudes and behaviours, and be open to learning more about inclusion. 

This commitment to inclusion should be evident in all aspects of your organisation, from the way you use existing space and materials to the way you train your staff. Quality inclusive play is possible with a little imagination and some creative thinking. 

Promote a Sense of Belonging and Social Wellbeing 

When you’re looking for the best early years care for your child, you want to ensure they feel comfortable and welcomed in their new environment. The staff at these organisations should be promoting a sense of belonging and social wellbeing in all the children in their care. 

This starts with creating a positive environment where all children feel safe and accepted. Staff should be attentive to any signs that a child is feeling left out or isolated, and work to create opportunities for them to connect with their peers. 

It’s also important to foster a sense of community among the families of the children attend these organisations. Parents should feel welcome to come in and chat with other parents, and participate in activities that help build relationships. 

Provide a Safe and Hygienic Environment 

It’s important that every early years care organisation provides a safe and hygienic environment for the children in their care. This means following proper infection control procedures, ensuring good hygiene habits are in place, and providing a healthy food and nutrition programme. 

In addition, it’s essential to have a safe play area for the children to explore and learn in. The staff at Spring Forward Family Centre are dedicated to providing a safe and healthy environment for all of the children entrusted to our care. 

Encourage Positive Behaviours Through Positive Reinforcement 

An important part of setting children up for long-term success is to encourage positive behaviours in early years care settings. Positive behaviour support strategies have been proven to be highly effective in preventing and addressing challenging behaviours. At Spring Forward Family Centre, we strongly believe in a strength-based approach which promotes development and belonging for all children. 

Positive reinforcement activities are used to teach social cues of acceptable behaviour. These activities are seen as rewards or incentives which guide children to engage in desired behaviours that align with their values, beliefs, and interests. For example, we run a behavioural chart system where kids can earn rewards such as extra play time or an extra book at lunchtime when they display appropriate behaviour. We also use verbal praise, sticker charts, visual reminders and more to reinforce positive behaviour. 

These types of activities can help create a sense of belonging for each child and encourage them to be successful now and into the future. 

Acknowledge Parents as the Primary Educators of Their Children 

At Spring Forward Family Centre, we understand and acknowledge that parents are the primary educators of their children in Australia and should be respected for this. We believe that families should have a choice on the type of early years care they want for their children. This is why we Ensure that our services are tailored to meet each family’s individual needs and values. 

Part of this means listening to and understanding each family’s expectations and ensuring our services reflect these in a meaningful way. This includes listening to what families want for their child, helping them make informed decisions about their educational experience, and building strong partnerships with families. 

Additionally, at Spring Forward Family Centre, we are committed to being sensitive and respectful to each family’s unique culture. We strive to create an environment where every family’s beliefs, values, customs and languages are respected. 

Foster Creativity and Learning Through Play-Based Activities 

As parents, we all want what’s best for our children and that includes setting them up for success in their educational future. Setting them up with creative learning activities is a surefire way of encouraging development in their early years. 

Creative play helps kids explore and make sense of the environment around them by letting them take risks and learn from their mistakes in a safe space. So, it is important to give your little ones the opportunity to explore their limits and reach new milestones through play. Make sure that there are inclusive spaces for independent exploration with ample resources for them to learn from such as books, art materials, toys, and more. Kids are not just learning when they are playing; they are also developing problem-solving skills, expressing themselves, building self-confidence, fostering positive relationships with others, and discovering new interests that can last a lifetime. 

Ensure Natural Resources Are Used Appropriately 

Developing sustainable practises in early years care is incredibly important. As a community, we must eventually hand our planet off to the next generation, and we must be sure we’ve done our part to keep it healthy. 

To this end, it’s essential for all early years care organisations to promote sustainable practises when it comes to natural resources and environment. This can look different for everyone, depending on the location of your centre and other factors. In Australia, for instance, you should make sure you’re consciously reducing your water use and minimising waste whenever possible. 

If you’re not sure where to start with promoting sustainability in your organisation, why not discuss with parents how they incorporate sustainability into their home lives? This can provide some really great role-modelling behaviours! Additionally, you could consider starting an environmental committee that meets periodically to discuss ways of promoting green behaviour in the centre. 

Encourage Communication Between All Stakeholders 

When it comes to providing the best early education services, one of the most important things to get right is getting everyone on the same page. This means setting up respectful and positive communication between parents and carers, while engaging stakeholders to get the necessary info they need to provide high quality early years care. 

To develop effective partnerships with everyone involved in providing early years care, it’s essential to have common goals and undertake collaborative planning. In Australia, encouraging communication between all stakeholders should be an ongoing priority for every organisation in the sector – from educators, support staff, and parents/carers – to ensure that every child’s needs are met. 

This will help create a positive environment for children to learn, grow and develop into their full potential. It is also important for organisations to keep up-to-date with any changes in the industry and best practises that arise from these discussions to ensure that they continue providing high quality service. 

Prioritise Nutrition, Safety and Physical Wellbeing 

As parents, it’s important to ensure that not just the education of our little ones is taken care of, but that they are also surrounded by a safe and healthy environment. According to research, 90% of all children in Australia attend pre-school and this should be emphasised in all early years care organisations. 

To ensure the healthiest start for our children, the food served should meet all nutrition guidelines to ensure the children have access to healthy meals. In addition, physical activities should be promoted within an early years setting, such as outdoor playtime or organised sports activities. The focus should always be on developing healthy habits from an early age and teaching children about making healthy life choices. 

Finally, safety must always be a top priority when providing care for young children. Childcare centres should employ practises such as up-to-date safety inspections, staff training and ensuring that appropriate policies are in place that put safety first in all situations with no exceptions. 

Ensure Staff Welfare and Professional Development 

Providing staff with training and development in Early Childhood Education & Care is essential for creating a successful early years care organisation. Not only does it provide your staff with the knowledge and skills to properly look after children, but it also reinforces the importance of Early Childhood Education & Care as a profession. 

To ensure your staff are properly supported, you should provide them with the resources and support they need to undertake relevant courses, network with other early years professionals, and understand the relevant legislation. Additionally, ensuring your staff welfare by implementing policies around paid overtime can help ensure that their rights are respected and that their workload is manageable. 

Lastly, developing transdisciplinary professional partnerships between specialists in different fields can help your organisation benefit from research-based evidence of best practise models as well as structured team collaboration. All of these measures can help ensure that your staff has the tools they need to provide the best possible care for children in their early years. 


So, what are the 10 best practises that every early years care organisation should be doing? 

  1. Putting the child’s needs first
  2. Having qualified and experienced staff
  3. Offering a diverse range of programmes and activities
  4. Promoting healthy lifestyles
  5. Supporting parents and families
  6. Encouraging positive relationships
  7. Providing a safe and secure environment
  8. Promoting early childhood education
  9. Developing partnerships with the community
  10. Focusing on continuous improvement.

The post 10 Best Practises Every Early Years Care Organisation Should Be Doing first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

Finding the Right Children’s Counsellor for When Kids Are Bullied Sat, 21 Jan 2023 13:09:22 +0000 The Warning Signs of Bullying in Children?  When it comes to bullying, prevention is key. Research shows that adults can play a role in preventing bullying before it starts.  How do you know if your child is being bullied? There are some common warning signs. Look for fear, shame, or helplessness in your child. Victims...

The post Finding the Right Children’s Counsellor for When Kids Are Bullied first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

The Warning Signs of Bullying in Children? 

When it comes to bullying, prevention is key. Research shows that adults can play a role in preventing bullying before it starts. 

How do you know if your child is being bullied? There are some common warning signs. Look for fear, shame, or helplessness in your child. Victims of bullying may be seen as different, weak, or have low self-esteem. 

If you suspect that your child is being bullied, don’t wait to seek help. Talk to your child’s teacher or school counsellor, or contact a professional counsellor who specialises in working with children. 

What Child Counselling Can Do for Bullying in Australia? 

There are many child counselling services available in Australia that can help your child if they are being bullied. The service is confidential, so you can speak to them without fear of your child finding out. They offer telephone counselling, so you don’t even have to leave your home. 

If you’re not sure where to start, some of the most popular child counselling services are Kids Helpline, Lifeline, headspace and Relationships Australia. All of these organisations provide confidential support and constructive advice to help your child get through this difficult time. 

How to Find an Experienced Counsellor for Kids like Spring Forward Family Centre? 

When it comes to finding the right counsellor for kids, it can be tricky to know where to start. You want someone who has experience and knows how to handle bullies, but you also want someone your child will feel comfortable talking to. 

At Spring Forward Family Centre, we have a team of experienced counsellors who are ready and willing to help kids who are dealing with bullying. We understand that every child is different, so we take the time to get to know each one and find the best way to help them. 

If you’re looking for support for your child, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We would be more than happy to help! 

Types of Child Counselling to Combat Bullying 

So why would a parent consider counselling for their child when they’re being bullied? Well, there are various types of counselling that could be useful for your situation. 

Counselling can help those who are victims of bullying to process the pain and anger they may be feeling. It can also help those who bully others to understand the root cause and build better, healthier relationships with their peers. Mental health experts can also provide strategies to help those emotionally and mentally scarred by bullying heal. 

Regardless of what type of counselling you choose, it’s important to ensure your child is comfortable with their counsellor. Talk to your child, reach out to other parents who have gone through similar experiences and ask around for potential resources in your network. Most importantly: trust your gut! 

Questions to Ask a Prospective Child Counsellor at Spring Forward Family Centre 

Finding the right child counsellor to support your child through the difficult times of bullying can be daunting. Here are some helpful questions you can ask every prospective child counsellor at Spring Forward Family Centre: 

  • How do you approach handling bullying? – It’s important to make sure that the counsellor has experience and a plan of action when it comes to helping children deal with bullying. Find out what strategies they use and how they plan to keep your kid safe. 
  • Are there any particular therapies that you specialise in? – Bullying can have wide-reaching consequences and different approaches may be needed for different kids. Knowing which therapies the counsellor specialises in is helpful in finding out if they’re a good fit for your kid. 
  • What is your stance on cyberbullying, and how do you handle it? – As cyberbullying is done anonymously, it might be hard to trace or address who is behind the bully. Ask the counsellor if they have experience dealing with online bullying and what kind of solutions they provide. 
  • Do you work with other professionals (therapy groups, social services etc) when dealing with bullying? – Having a team approach can help kids struggling with bullying, so make sure to ask if this is something their facility offers or provides access to. 

Tips for Finding the Right Children’s Counsellor in NSW like Spring Forward 

So how do you find the right children’s counsellor for when your kids are being bullied at school? There are a few things you can look into. 

First, schools often have counsellors on staff who can act as a supportive resource for children who are experiencing bullying. These professionals generally have training in helping children manage the effects of bullying and can provide more individualised care than regular teachers or administrators. 

Second, students from different peer groups can be trained to be advocates for those being bullied, and counselling services in NSW like Spring Forward offer programmes like this which help in creating positive connections between peer groups impacted by bullying. 

Finally, counselling services such as Spring Forward also offer direct support to both victims and those who bully in order to help them process their experiences and build helpful thinking patterns and behaviours to support their emotional wellbeing. After all, it does take a village to raise a child! 


So, if your child is being bullied and you’re not sure where to turn, know that child counselling can be an extremely beneficial step in the right direction. By working with a counsellor, your child will learn how to deal with the emotions that bullying brings up, and will develop positive thinking and behavioural patterns that will help them in all areas of their life. 

The post Finding the Right Children’s Counsellor for When Kids Are Bullied first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.

Is Your Child Naughty or Overwhelmed? Wed, 10 Aug 2022 12:21:36 +0000 Does your child have trouble paying attention to directions, display aggressive outbursts for no clear reason, or defy you when asked to wear certain types of clothing, such as those with itchy tags, button-ups, or socks?

The post Is Your Child Naughty or Overwhelmed? first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.


Does your child have trouble paying attention to directions, display aggressive outbursts for no clear reason, or defy you when asked to wear certain types of clothing, such as those with itchy tags, button-ups, or socks? While these behaviours can be interpreted as naughty, there’s often something else happening under the surface. Here’s how to decide whether your child is being naughty or feeling overwhelmed:

What is Sensory Overload?

What seems like disobedient behaviours may be the result of sensory overload or sensory defensive behaviours. Sensory overload is the overstimulation of any of the five core senses: sight, taste, smell, touch, or hearing. It can also be the overstimulation of some other senses in our body: vestibular (balance), proprioception (joints and muscled), or interoception (insides and gut). When a child gets overwhelmed by any of these senses — they could display unexpected changes in their behaviour. They may:

  • Become shy
  • Run away or hide
  • Be impulsive or unpredictable
  • Have aggressive outbursts
  • Be defiant or disobedient
  • Not respond to their name
  • Become less aware of the safety of themselves or others
  • Try to block the stimuli (Cover ears or eyes)

Children with sensory defensive behaviours may seemingly go into fight-or-flight mode when confronted with something like movement, sound, or overwhelming visuals. It is most often seen in environments that are busy and challenge more than one sensory system – think classrooms, shopping centres or birthday parties. Their hypersensitivity to these stimuli is unpleasant for them, resulting in brash reactions that may be perceived as naughty.

Consider this scenario: your child isn’t paying attention long enough to receive directions in class. Even though your child’s teacher may believe they’re unwilling to listen, your child could just be overstimulated and trying to gain their bearings while other children play loudly in the background.

A seemingly unprovoked outburst could result from an encounter with one of their trigger stimuli. You may think their itchy school uniform is a minor inconvenience they’ll overcome with time, but your child may view it as an intense annoyance they need to free themselves of immediately.

How to Cope With Your Child’s Sensory Overload

No parent wants to watch their child struggle. Fortunately, occupational therapy is an effective way to help your child break through their difficulties, resulting in a more controlled and regulated reaction to their triggers. Targeted and individualised sensory activities, also known as ‘sensory diets’ can help your child’s body learn how to cope with a range of sensory experiences

If you’re noticing signs that your child may be experiencing sensory overload, we’re occupational therapists in Western Sydney dedicated to empowering children and their families to understand their behaviours and improve their comfort in life. Out of area, consider contacting us for telehealth supports.

A helpful read for understanding Sensory Processing:

Growing kids awareness of themselves:

Resources that are often in a sensory diet for overload includes:

Weighted and compression products: These should always be used with caution and in-alignment with restrictive practises that may be imposed. Deep pressure is great at calming the whole body.

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The post Is Your Child Naughty or Overwhelmed? first appeared on Spring Forward Family Centre.
