A Guide to Understanding Art Therapy for Children and Its Benefits

Spring Forward Family Centre is a place that celebrates growth and renewal. It’s also a place where we accept who we are and embark on our journeys forward, together! We opened on the first day of Spring and we’re excited to offer art therapy to our clients. 

What Is Children’s Art Therapy? 

What is art therapy? Simply put, it’s a form of therapy that uses art to help people process and express their emotions. But it’s so much more than that. 

For children, art therapy can provide a welcoming and non-judgmental space to explore their thoughts and feelings. It can help them gain a better understanding of themselves, which can lead to relief from anxiety and other mental health issues. In addition, art therapy can also promote mindfulness and overall wellness.  

Benefits of Art Therapy for Children 

There are many benefits that can be accrued from children participating in art therapy. 

One of the most obvious benefits is that it encourages mindfulness. When a child is focusing on creating something new, they are completely in the present moment. This can be helpful for kids who struggle with anxiety, as it can help them to stay in the moment and not worry about the past or the future. 

Art therapy also has a lot of benefits for a child’s overall wellness. It can help them to express themselves and to process emotions that they might find difficult to talk about. It can also be a great way for them to connect with other children and build relationships. 

How to Access Art Therapy in Australia 

There are a few ways that you can access art therapy in Australia. 

If you’re interested in finding a therapist who offers art therapy as one of their services, the easiest way to do this is to search online. There are several directories and databases that list therapists by location and specialty, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find one near you. 

Alternatively, if you know someone who’s already seeing an art therapist, they may be able to recommend someone they know and trust. 

If you’re not sure if art therapy is right for you or your child, you can also get in touch with Spring Forward Family Centre. We offer free and confidential consultations with one of our therapists, so you can explore whether art therapy is the right fit for your family. 

The Benefits of Using Art Therapy with Children in Trauma 

There are many benefits of using art therapy with children who have experienced trauma. Art therapy can provide a safe space for children to process their experiences and start to make sense of what has happened to them. It can also help them to express themselves in ways that they may not be able to with words. 

Art therapy can be a helpful tool for children who are struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. It can help them to relax and feel more in control of their emotions. It can also be a way for them to express themselves without feeling judged. 

Art therapy can also be beneficial for children’s physical health. It can help them to cope with pain, increase their energy levels, and improve their sleep. 

How to Reduce Anxiety with Art Therapy Activities 

Art therapy is a form of therapy that uses art to help people express themselves and work through their emotions. It can be used to help people with anxiety, stress, and other mental health issues. 

There are several different art therapy activities that can be used to reduce anxiety. Some of these include: 

  • Drawing or painting mandalas: Mandalas are circular designs that can be used for relaxation and stress relief. Mandalas can be drawn or painted using a variety of different mediums. 
  • Coloring: Coloring books for adults are becoming increasingly popular. coloring can help with anxiety by providing a calming and relaxing activity. 
  • Sculpting: Sculpting with clay or other materials can be therapeutic and can help to reduce anxiety. 

NDIS Approved Art Therapists 

All our Art Therapists are NDIS approved, which means that we can help you with your specific needs and goals. Whether you’re looking for help with anxiety relief, mindfulness, or wellness, we can create a customized art therapy programmer that’s just right for you. 

The next steps… 

So, if you are looking for ways to help your child grow and blossom, art therapy may be a great option to explore!